Reconnecting Email Subject Line

Reconnecting Email Subject Line for Reconnecting Email

Reconnecting isn’t easy, especially after a significant amount of time has passed. Whether it’s reaching out to an old colleague or reigniting a professional relationship, the first step often involves sending an email. In this context, the networking email subject line acts as the first impression, setting the tone for your message. It’s a critical component in email marketing, where a well-crafted subject line can mean the difference between re-establishing a valuable connection and being overlooked in a crowded inbox. This blog post is designed as a template for success in these scenarios. We will delve into the importance of a compelling subject line in a reconnecting email and provide practical tips and examples to help you craft networking email subjects that not only capture attention but also foster meaningful reconnections.

Why a Strong Subject Line Matters – Benefits of Reconnecting Email Templates

Subject line the first thing a recipient sees and plays a pivotal role in determining whether your email will be opened or lost in the abyss of an overflowing inbox. Crafting a compelling subject line is not just an art; it’s a strategic tool in effective communication, especially when you’re reaching out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while or when you’re networking.

Capturing Attention Instantly 

A good subject line works like a headline in a newspaper: it grabs attention and piques curiosity. In the fast-paced digital world, where attention spans are short, a catchy subject line is your first and sometimes only chance to make an impression. When you send an email, whether it’s a follow-up email, a networking email, or even an email newsletter, the subject line captures attention and sets the stage for what’s to come. It’s the hook that can make the difference between your email being opened or ignored.

Setting the Tone for Your Message

The subject line should be clear and reflective of the purpose of your email. It sets the tone for the email content and can significantly increase the chances of the email being opened. For instance, a personalized subject line in a follow-up email after networking events can remind the recipient of your previous interaction, making the email feel more personalized and relevant. This approach not only demonstrates your attention to detail but also shows respect for the recipient’s time, making them more likely to open the email.

Rekindling Old Connections

When it comes to reconnecting with someone, such as an old contact or someone from past networking events, the subject line is crucial. It’s not just about reminding them who you are, but also about showing interest in reconnecting. A personalized email with a subject line that reflects a mutual connection or a shared experience can be very effective. It shows that you’ve put thought into the email and are not just sending a generic message. This personal touch can be the key to reestablishing a connection and can make the recipient more likely to respond.

Best Practices for Crafting Subject Lines

To ensure your email stands out, avoid generic subject lines. Instead, opt for personalized email subject lines that resonate with the recipient. For instance, if you’re sending a reconnecting email, mention something specific about your last interaction or a mutual interest. This not only shows that you remember them but also increases the chances of your email being opened.

Best Practices for Reconnecting Email Subject Lines

Keep it Concise and to the Point

When crafting the subject line of an email, especially for reconnecting or networking purposes, brevity is key. A concise subject line is more likely to get the email opened, as it quickly conveys the message without overwhelming the recipient. This approach respects the recipient’s time and attention span, which is often limited. For instance, if you’re reaching out to an old contact, a subject line like “Quick Catch-Up?” or “Update Since Our Last Meeting” is direct and clear. This good general practice keeps the focus on the purpose of the email and makes it more likely that the recipient will open and engage with your message.

Personalize the Subject Line to Make it More Engaging

Personalization in email campaigns is a proven strategy to increase open rates. When sending an email to someone you’ve previously connected with, using their name or referencing a shared experience in the subject line can make the email feel more personalized and relevant. This type of email personalization shows the recipient that the email is tailored specifically for them, enhancing the chances of the email being opened. For example, “John, Remember Our Discussion on X?” or “Reflecting on Our Last Networking Event” can resonate more personally with the recipient.

Use a Friendly and Conversational Tone

An effective email subject line often mirrors a friendly, conversational tone, especially in a networking email or an intro email. This approach makes the email recipient feel more at ease and less like they are receiving a formal or cold email. A subject line that reads like a natural, casual conversation can be more inviting, such as “Hey Sarah, It’s Been Too Long!” or “Can We Catch Up Over Coffee Soon?”. This tone helps in reconnecting with the recipient in a way that feels genuine and warm.

Create a Sense of Urgency or Curiosity

Subject lines that create a sense of urgency or spark curiosity can be highly effective in getting your email opened. This strategy works well for email samples where you want to grab attention quickly. However, it’s important to use this technique judiciously to avoid sounding pushy or misleading. Phrases like “A Quick Update Before the Weekend” or “Something Interesting I Thought You Should Know” can pique interest and prompt the recipient to open the email.

Avoid Using Spammy or Clickbait Language in Networking Email Subject Line

When writing a reconnecting email, it’s crucial to avoid language that might come across as spammy or clickbait. This type of language can deter recipients from opening your email and might even lead to your email being marked as spam. Keep the subject line honest and straightforward, avoiding over-the-top phrases or sensational claims. A subject line that is clear and genuine, like “Reconnecting After Our Last Project” or “Seeking Your Advice Once Again,” is more likely to be well-received.

Test Different Subject Lines to See What Works Best for Old Connection

Finally, testing different subject lines is a best practice for writing emails, especially when it comes to reconnecting or networking. What works for one email list might not work for another, and the only way to find out is through experimentation. Try different styles, tones, and formats to see which subject lines get the best open rates. This approach can provide valuable insights into what resonates with your audience, helping you craft more effective email subject lines in the future.

Reflect the Email’s Purpose Clearly

A subject line that clearly reflects the purpose of your email is essential. This practice ensures that the recipient knows exactly what to expect before they even open the email. For instance, if your email is from an old colleague and is intended to discuss a potential collaboration, a subject line like “Marketing Proposal for Our Next Collaboration” is straightforward and informative. This clarity helps in setting the right expectations and increases the likelihood of the email being opened.

Incorporate Relevant Keywords or Topics

Using relevant keywords or topics in the subject line can be a game-changer, especially for networking emails. It not only grabs attention but also aligns with the interests of the recipient. For example, if you’re sending an email to a contact you met at a tech conference, a subject line like “Insights on AI Trends from Our Last Meet” can be very effective. This strategy ensures that your email stands apart and is immediately recognized as valuable.

Acknowledge Past Interactions or Achievements

A subject line that acknowledges a past interaction or celebrates an achievement can create a personal connection. This approach is particularly effective when you’re trying to get your networking back on track or reconnect with old friends. A subject line like “Congrats on Your Recent Award, Let’s Celebrate!” shows that you pay attention to their achievements and care about their success, making the email more appealing.

Offer Value or Insight in the Subject Line for Reconnecting Email

Offering value or insight in the subject line can significantly increase the chances of your email being opened. This could be in the form of a helpful tip, an interesting article, or an exclusive opportunity. For example, “5 Strategies I Thought You’d Love” or “Exclusive Invite to Our Networking Event” are subject lines that promise value, making the recipient curious about the email content.

Match the Tone to the Recipient

Matching the tone of the subject line to the recipient is crucial. If you’re sending a networking email to a strictly professional contact, a formal tone is appropriate. Conversely, for a more casual acquaintance or an old friend, a relaxed and friendly tone works better. For example, a subject line like “Formal Meeting Request” is suitable for professional contacts, while “Long Time, No See! Let’s Catch Up” works for informal connections. This practice ensures that the tone of your email aligns with your relationship with the recipient, making it more likely to be well-received.

Examples of Effective Reconnecting Email Subject Lines for Network [Template]

  • “Long time no talk! Let’s catch up!”
  • “Remember when…? Let’s reminisce!”
  • “Reconnecting after years – would love to reconnect!”
  • “Hoping to reconnect and share exciting news!”
  • “You crossed my mind – let’s reconnect!”
  • “Rekindling old connections – let’s grab coffee!”
  • “Reconnecting with a fellow [school/college] alum!”
  • “Reconnecting with a former colleague – let’s reconnect!”
  • “Reconnecting with a kindred spirit – let’s reconnect!”
  • “Reconnecting with a valued client – let’s reconnect!”

Key Takeaways

  1. An effective subject line is crucial for ensuring your email stands out; it’s the first thing recipients see and greatly influences whether they’ll open an email.
  2. Personalizing the subject line increases the likelihood of the email being opened, as it creates a sense of familiarity and relevance for the recipient.
  3. Catchy subject lines that get attention are often concise, clear, and directly related to the content of the email body.
  4. Using networking subjects in your email templates can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing strategies.
  5. The perfect networking email starts with a compelling subject line, setting the right tone for professional meetings or reconnecting with old contacts.
  6. Subject lines that will get your email noticed often include a hint of curiosity or urgency, prompting the recipient to explore further.
  7. Good general practice to keep in mind: regularly test and refine your subject line strategies to understand what resonates best with your audience, thereby increasing the benefits of reconnecting.


n conclusion, the importance of a well-crafted subject line in a reconnecting email cannot be overstated. It’s the first element a recipient notices and often determines whether or not the email will be opened. A subject line that stands out is essential in making your email apart from the rest, especially in a professional context or when reaching out to rekindle old friendships.

We encourage our readers to experiment with different subject lines to increase the effectiveness of their communication. Whether it’s a networking email or a message to an old friend, finding the right balance between creativity and clarity can make a significant difference. Catchy subject lines to get attention are important, but they should always align with the content and intent of your email.

Remember, the essence of reconnecting lies in genuine and personalized communication. The subject line uses just a few words, but these words should resonate with your audience, reflecting the sincerity of your intent to reconnect. Whether you’re sending an email for a meeting with a strictly professional contact or to contact with old friends, the right subject line would set the tone for a successful reconnection.

As you move forward, we urge you to start crafting your own compelling subject lines for your reconnecting emails. Email is a great way to bridge gaps and rebuild connections, and it all starts with those few crucial words at the top of your message. So, send that email, make it count, and watch as your network grows and strengthens through the power of well-considered communication.



