Subject Line for Rejection Email

Best Subject Line for Rejection Email in 2024 for Candidate Rejection

In the intricate dance of the hiring process, the manner in which a company communicates with its candidates, particularly those not selected, is a reflection of its ethos and professionalism. Crafting a thoughtful rejection email and subject line for rejection email is not just a nicety; it’s a strategic element that can significantly impact your brand’s perception and future talent acquisition.

Why Should You Start Writing The Perfect Candidate Rejection Email in Interview Process

1. Enhancing Employer Branding

Every interaction with a job seeker, including those you reject, contributes to your employer brand. A well-crafted rejection email can leave a lasting, positive impression, encouraging candidates to view your company favorably. This is crucial in an era where company reviews and word-of-mouth can significantly influence a job seeker’s decision to apply.

2. Building a Talent Pool for Future Openings

Rejected candidates with potential can be a valuable asset for future job openings. By ending your email on a positive note, using the right Subject Line for Rejection Email, and encouraging them to apply for future opportunities, you maintain a relationship with these individuals. This approach can save time and resources when filling future positions, as you already have a pool of pre-vetted candidates.

3. Promoting Positive Word-of-Mouth

Candidates talk about their experiences. A positive candidate experience, even in rejection, can lead to positive word-of-mouth, enhancing your company’s reputation in the job market. This can attract more qualified applicants in the future, making your hiring process more efficient and effective.

4. Demonstrating Respect and Professionalism

Sending a personalized rejection letter shows respect for the time and effort each candidate put into their application and interview. It demonstrates that your company values professionalism and courtesy, traits that are attractive to both current and future job applicants.

5. Providing Constructive Feedback

While not always necessary, offering constructive feedback in a rejection email can be beneficial. It helps the candidate understand areas for improvement, which they may appreciate. This not only aids in their professional development but also leaves them with a positive impression of your company’s commitment to individual growth.

How to Send a Candidate Rejection Email as Job Rejection Letter in Hiring Process

1. Choose an Appropriate Email Subject

The email subject should be clear and respectful, setting the right tone. A subject like “Your Application for [Job Title]” is straightforward and prepares the candidate for the content of the email. It’s a good idea to be specific about the job title to avoid any confusion and ensure the candidate knows exactly which application process this email pertains to.

2. Express Gratitude

Start by thanking the candidate for their application and the time they invested in the application process. A simple “Thank you for your application” shows appreciation for their interest in your company. This gesture helps maintain a positive candidate experience, even when they didn’t get the job.

3. Be Direct but Kind in Subject Line for Rejection Email

It’s best to be straightforward and inform the candidate that they didn’t get the job. However, ensure the tone is empathetic and respectful, maintaining a positive impression of your company. Tell the candidate that you’ve decided to go forward with a different candidate, but do so in a manner that is considerate and professional.

4. Avoid Detailed Explanations

While it’s good to be transparent, avoid giving specific reasons why the candidate wasn’t selected. This can help in avoiding any misunderstandings or potential legal complications. It’s best to keep the message general, focusing on the competitive nature of the job search.

5. Encourage Future Applications

Encourage the candidate to apply for future job openings. This not only softens the blow of rejection but also keeps them engaged with your company for potential opportunities. Remind them that their qualifications might be a better fit for another job title in your company in the future.

6. Offer General Feedback

If appropriate, offer general feedback or encouragement. Phrases like “We were impressed with your qualifications” or “You’d be a great fit for a different role” can be motivating. This approach helps to end your email on a positive note, leaving the candidate with a good impression of your company.

7. End on a Positive Note

Conclude the email by wishing the candidate luck in their future job search. This gesture of goodwill reinforces a positive candidate experience. It’s a respectful way to acknowledge the effort they put into their application and interview performance.

8. Personalize the Message and Subject Line for Rejection Email

Personalize the email by mentioning the candidate’s name and the specific job title they applied for. This shows that you value each candidate as an individual. Personalization demonstrates that you have taken the time to consider each candidate’s application thoroughly, reinforcing a positive impression of your company.

Best Subject Line for Rejection Email

  • “Thank You for Your Application – An Update on Our Decision”
  • “Your Application Status: Important Information Inside”
  • “Appreciating Your Interest: Update on Your Recent Application”
  • “Decision Update Regarding Your Recent Application”
  • “Our Sincere Thanks for Applying – An Update from [Company Name]”
  • “Update on Your Application with [Company Name]”
  • “Thank You for Considering [Company Name]: Application Update”
  • “Important News About Your Application at [Company Name]”
  • “Your Application with [Company Name]: Decision Inside”
  • “Appreciating Your Effort: An Update on Your Application to [Company Name]”

Best Job Rejection Email Template in Recruitment Process

Here’s a template for a job rejection email that can be easily copied and pasted, and then customized as needed:

Template 1

Subject: Update on Your Application for [Job Title]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for taking the time to apply for the [Job Title] position with us and for your interest in joining our team.

After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that we have decided to move forward with a different candidate for this position. This decision was not easy due to the high caliber of candidates like yourself.

We were impressed with your qualifications and experience, and we believe you have a lot to offer. While you weren’t selected for this particular role, we would like to keep your information on file for future opportunities that better match your skills and experience.

We appreciate the effort you put into your application and your enthusiasm about the opportunity to work with us. We encourage you to apply for future openings that fit your qualifications, as we truly admired your professional background and approach.

Thank you again for considering a career with [Your Company Name]. We wish you all the best in your future job search and professional endeavors.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]
[Company Contact Information]

Template 2

Subject: Your Application for [Job Position]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

Thank you for applying for the [Job Position] at [Your Company Name]. We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application and for considering our company as a potential employer.

After thorough review, we wanted to let you know that we have chosen to proceed with another candidate for this position. This decision was challenging due to the impressive qualifications of candidates like yourself.

While we are unable to offer you this position, we were genuinely impressed by your skills and experience. We encourage you to apply for future roles at [Your Company Name] that you feel fit your expertise.

We wish you the best in your ongoing job search and professional endeavors. Thank you again for your interest in joining our team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]
[Company Contact Information]

Template 3

Subject: Update on the [Job Title] Position

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to let you know about the status of your application for the [Job Title] role at [Your Company Name].

After careful consideration, we have decided to go with another candidate for this position. This was not an easy decision, given the high quality of candidates who didn’t make it to the final selection.

We are grateful for the opportunity to learn about your qualifications and experiences. While you were not selected for this particular role, we were impressed by your profile and encourage you to apply in the future for positions that align with your skills and career aspirations.

Thank you for your interest in our company and the open position. We wish you success in your future job search and professional journey.


[Your Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]
[Company Contact Information]

Key Takeaways on Subject Line for Rejection Email

  1. When you send a rejection email, it’s crucial to convey the message with empathy and clarity.
  2. A well-crafted rejection letter template should be concise and respectful, acknowledging the candidate’s effort.
  3. Starting your email with “Thank you for your application” shows appreciation for the candidate’s interest.
  4. The email informs the candidate they did not receive the job, while maintaining a professional tone.
  5. Writing job rejection emails is an important aspect of the recruitment process, reflecting your company’s values.
  6. Even if a candidate was invited for an interview, it’s necessary to say that the position has been filled by someone else.

Conclusion on Subject Line for Rejection Email

In conclusion, expressing “thank you for your application” in a rejection email is a fundamental gesture of courtesy and respect towards candidates who invested time and effort in their job application. It’s important to remember that each individual who did not receive a job still deserves a considerate and professional response. This approach not only reflects well on your company’s recruitment practices but also maintains a positive relationship with potential future candidates.

FAQ on Subject Line for Rejection Email

What Should Perfect Candidate Rejection Email Include?

A perfect candidate rejection email should start with a “thank you for your application” to acknowledge the effort put in by the candidate. It should be straight to the point, informing the candidate via email that they were not selected for the position, while being respectful and encouraging about their future job search. 

What Not To Add In a Good Candidate Rejection Email?

Avoid including specifics on why the candidate wasn’t selected in a good rejection email, as this can lead to misunderstandings or legal issues. It’s also important not to make promises about future employment or suggest that the candidate would have been a fit for your company under different circumstances.

Should You Thank the Candidate when You Send Candidate Rejection Emails?

Yes, when sending rejection emails, it’s respectful and considerate to thank the candidate for their application. This shows appreciation for the time and effort they invested in applying and attending the interview, if invited.

When to Send Job Rejection Emails?

Effective job rejection emails should be sent as soon as a decision is made that the candidate is not the right fit for the position. Prompt communication respects the candidate’s time and allows them to continue their job search without unnecessary delay.

How Long Should You Write a Candidate Rejection Letter?

A candidate rejection letter should be concise and to the point, typically no longer than a few sentences. The goal is to respectfully inform the candidate that they did not receive the job, while maintaining a professional and considerate tone.

How to Start Writing a Good Candidate Rejection Letter or Subject Line for Rejection Email?

To start writing a good candidate rejection letter, begin with a polite greeting and a thank you for their application. This sets a respectful tone and acknowledges the effort the candidate put into their job application. It’s important for a recruiter to be empathetic yet clear in their communication.

Is Sending “Thank you for your application” enough For Those Who Didn’t Make the Cut?

While saying “thank you for your application” is a necessary start, it’s not sufficient on its own for a rejection email. The email should also inform the candidate that they have not been selected, and, if appropriate, provide feedback or encouragement for their future job applications. This approach to Subject Line for Rejection Email shows respect for the time and effort the candidate invested in applying.



