what does ps mean

What Does PS Mean and How to Use it in Email

The humble PS stands as a testament to the enduring value of tradition amidst digital transformation. Despite being rooted in the era of handwritten letters, the use of PS in emails today serves as a bridge between the classic art of letter writing and the instantaneous nature of digital communication. This article delves into the significance of PS, what does PS mean, offers guidance on its proper utilization in emails, and highlights its continued relevance in our increasingly digital correspondence.

What Does PS Mean in the Context of Emails and Letters?

Exploring the Origin and Definition of PS

The term PS is an abbreviation for “postscriptum,” a Latin word meaning “written after.” Historically, a postscript was a final note added at the end of a letter, containing afterthoughts or additional information that didn’t fit into the body of the letter. This tradition of appending personal notes or important details as a PS has gracefully transitioned from handwritten letters to the bottom of email texts, retaining its inherent meaning of offering supplementary content after the main message has been concluded.

Comparing PS in Traditional Letters to Modern Emails

In traditional letters, a PS was often a spontaneous addition, penned after the main message had been concluded, usually because the writer had forgotten to include something. In contrast, in the realm of emails and letters, the PS can be a powerful tool, deliberately used to highlight key points or add a personal touch. The transition from paper to screen hasn’t diminished the charm of a PS; if anything, it has given the postscript renewed importance in an age where grabbing and retaining the reader’s attention is paramount.

Understanding PS as a Tool for Adding Additional Information

The primary utility of PS in both letters and emails is to offer additional information that either didn’t fit into the flow of the main content or was thought of after the message was considered complete. Whether it’s a handwritten note or a digital message, including a PS provides a flexible space to mention an afterthought, make a final appeal, or simply add a personal note, enhancing the connection between the sender and the recipient.

How to Properly Use PS in Your Emails

The Correct Placement of PS in an Email

To use PS correctly in an email, it should always appear at the very end of the message, following the signature. This ensures that it stands out as a separate entity from the rest of the email, drawing attention to any additional points or personal comments you want to include. The contrast between the conclusion of the main email body and the postscript can help to emphasize the PS message, making it more likely to be read and remembered.

Punctuation Tips for Using P.S. Correctly

When including a PS in your email, it’s important to adhere to basic punctuation rules to maintain professionalism and clarity. The abbreviation PS should be capitalized, and if it precedes the beginning of the postscript text, it’s customary to follow it with either a period (P.S.) or a colon (PS:). However, the use of a period is more traditional and widely accepted. Ensuring proper punctuation helps to separate the PS from the rest of the email content visually and contextually.

Deciding When to Use PS in Professional Versus Personal Emails

While the use of PS can add a personal touch or important emphasis in any email, its appropriateness can vary depending on the context. In personal emails, a PS is a great way to add a lighthearted comment or personal note. In professional emails, however, it should be used sparingly and strategically, such as to highlight a call to action or remind the recipient of a deadline. The key is to ensure that the PS adds value and relevance to your message without detracting from the professionalism of the email.

Examples of Using PS in Different Email Contexts

Utilizing PS in Business Email Communication

In business communication, a PS can serve as an effective tool for reinforcing a call to action or reiterating an important deadline. For instance, after wrapping up a business proposal, including a PS with a gentle reminder about the response deadline could encourage prompt feedback. This strategic use of PS not only emphasizes key details but also demonstrates thoughtfulness and attention to detail.

Personal Email Sign-offs: Adding a Personal Touch with PS

When it comes to personal emails, the PS can transform an ordinary sign-off into a memorable message. It’s the perfect spot to include personal anecdotes, heartfelt wishes, or even a joke to share a smile. This personal application of PS enriches the email experience, fostering a closer connection between the sender and the recipient by leaving them with a warm final impression.

Incorporating PS in Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing efforts can also benefit greatly from the clever use of PS. Including a PS with a special offer, exclusive discount code, or a compelling call to action can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates. It’s an unexpected location for such critical information, which makes the PS content stand out even more. By incorporating PS in this manner, marketers can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging recipients to take action immediately.

The Purpose of PS and Its Benefits in Email Communication

Emphasizing Important Information Through PS

The addition of a PS in an email serves as an effective method to emphasize information that you want to ensure the recipient notices. Whether it’s a crucial meeting reminder, a special note of thanks, or a last-minute change, a PS catches the eye because it stands apart from the rest of the email content, offering a second chance to communicate vital details.

Enhancing Engagement and Responses with PS in Marketing Emails

In the context of email marketing, the PS can be an incredibly powerful tool for boosting engagement and prompting responses. By including exclusive offers, intriguing teasers, or direct calls to action in your PS, you can captivate the recipient’s interest and encourage a more immediate and enthusiastic response to your marketing initiatives.

Benefits of Using PS to Provide Additional Clarity or Calls to Action

Utilizing PS in emails, whether for personal, professional, or marketing purposes, provides a unique opportunity to add clarity, engage the reader, and reinforce calls to action. This strategic addition can improve communication effectiveness, strengthen relationships, and enhance the impact of your messages. The ability to offer additional information or emphasize key points without disrupting the flow of the main message makes PS an invaluable tool in the art of email writing.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using PS in Emails

Misplacing PS or Overusing It in Professional Emails

One of the key pitfalls to avoid when incorporating PS in emails is misplacement or overuse, especially in a professional context. Ensuring that the PS is correctly positioned at the end of the email and used judiciously is crucial. Overusing PS can dilute its impact and detract from the professionalism of your email.

Ignoring Punctuation and Formatting Rules for PS

Another common mistake is neglecting the punctuation and formatting conventions associated with PS. Proper punctuation not only ensures that the postscript adheres to standard writing practices but also aids in distinguishing the PS from the rest of the email content, enhancing its effectiveness at conveying additional or emphatic information.

Failing to Align the PS Content with the Email’s Main Message

Finally, it’s important to ensure that the content of your PS aligns with and complements the main message of your email. A PS that diverges too drastically from the central theme can confuse readers or dilute the overall impact of your communication. Keeping the PS relevant and connected to the email’s main point enhances coherence and the persuasive power of your message.

In conclusion, the practice of including a PS in emails offers a nod to the thoughtful craftsmanship of letter writing, while embracing the efficiency and reach of modern digital communication. When used correctly, a PS can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your emails, providing a versatile tool for adding additional information, emphasizing key points, or adding a personal touch. With careful consideration to placement, punctuation, and relevance, the PS can elevate your email correspondence, making every message more engaging and memorable.

Expert Comment

Samantha Greene, a seasoned communication expert with a passion for impactful messaging, sheds light on the nuanced art of incorporating a “P.S.” in correspondence. “In the realm of written communication, the use of ‘P.S.’—which stands for ‘postscript’ from the Latin ‘post scriptum’, meaning ‘written after’—holds a unique place, especially when you decide to use a P.S. at the end of an email or letter. This small addition can significantly enhance the message’s impact, offering a space for information at the end that may not fit with the rest of the message or deserves special emphasis to use it correctly.”

Greene continues, “The P.S. has evolved beyond its original use in sending a letter. In today’s digital age, whether you are sending a sales email, a personal message to family, or any other type of communication, adding a P.S. can serve multiple purposes. It allows you to address a different topic, reinforce an important point, or share personal remarks that enhance the relationship with the recipient.”

Explaining the strategy behind a powerful postscript, Greene notes, “An effective P.S. captures attention—often, it’s the first thing read after the recipient has glanced over the entire letter or email. It’s a place to make sure you follow through with a message to the reader that leaves a lasting impression on your target audience. You might want to include something you forgot or didn’t think to include in the body of the message. It’s a way to add value without having to go back and edit the rest of your content.”

Greene elaborates on crafting an impactful P.S., “Keep the message brief and to the point, ensuring it complements the information included in the body of your correspondence. If you have more than one additional point to make, format it as ‘P.P.S.’ for the second postscript and so on. This is a great way to let the reader know about an upcoming event, a special offer, or to simply say, ‘Thank you for your last meeting with a client,’ reinforcing the information or sentiments expressed earlier.”

She concludes with a tip on execution, “While the P.S. offers a less formal space, it’s crucial not to forget to proofread the message. An effective P.S. can fortify your message, provided it is thoughtfully integrated and maintains the tone of the rest of the communication. It’s all about making sure your use of P.S. adds value and deepens the connection with your audience, rather than distracting from the main message. Whether it’s another email or another letter, the P.S. is a powerful tool that, when used appropriately, can make a significant difference in how your message is received and remembered.”

Q: What is the meaning of P.S. in an email or letter?

A: P.S. stands for postscript, derived from the Latin postscriptum, which means “written after.” In the context of an email or letter, it refers to information added to the end of the message, after the main body of the email or letter has been completed. It’s a great way to include an afterthought or additional piece of information related to the rest of the communication.

Q: What is the purpose of P.S. in communication?

A: The purpose of P.S. is to add extra information or a personal note at the end of an email or letter. It can be used to emphasize a point, add a call to action, or include something you forgot to mention in the body of your email. Since it’s placed at the end, it helps in drawing attention to the added information, making sure it’s noticed.

Q: Can you give me examples of how to use P.S. in an email?

A: Certainly! Here’s an example: Imagine you’re writing an email to a friend about planning a surprise party. At the end of your email, after signing off, you might add, “P.S. Make sure you don’t mention anything to Sarah – it’s a surprise!” Another example could be in a professional email, where after your main content you add, “P.S. I’ve attached the report for your review.” This shows how you can use a P.S. to add important, but secondary information.

Q: How can I add a P.S. correctly in every type of email?

A: To use a P.S. correctly, make sure it follows the main body of your email and your signature. It should appear as a separate thought or note that is clearly distinct from the rest of the letter. Whether it’s an informal email to a friend or a more formal message, you can add a P.S. to highlight something you didn’t want to include in the main part of the email. Just ensure it’s brief and directly related to the rest of your message or serves as a useful addendum.

Q: When might I use P.S. in a professional letter or email?

A: You might use P.S. in a professional letter or email when you want to add a call to action, a reminder, or some critical piece of information that could enhance your message. For example, after concluding a letter requesting a meeting, you could add, “P.S. I am available this Thursday or Friday for a call if that works for you.” It subtly reminds the recipient of your primary request or adds extra incentive to respond.

Q: Is it necessary to include a P.S. in every email?

A: It’s not necessary to include a P.S. in every email. Its use depends on whether you have additional remarks or thoughts that didn’t fit into the main point of your email but are still worth mentioning. Using a P.S. is optional and should be done when it genuinely adds value to your communication.

Q: What are some creative ways you can use P.S. in an email?

A: The P.S. section offers a wonderful opportunity to be creative and personal in your emails. For instance, in an email to a friend, after signing off, you could add a P.S. to share a funny anecdote or an inside joke. In a professional context, you could use it to softly remind colleagues of an upcoming deadline, or even to share a motivational quote. The key is to ensure that it augments your email’s purpose in a memorable way.

Q: Is it ever inappropriate to use a P.S. in an email?

A: While the P.S. is a versatile tool, it’s essential to use it judiciously. In very formal or sensitive communications, where the tone and structure are of utmost importance, adding a P.S. might be seen as casual or unprofessional. Always consider your audience and the main message of your email to decide if adding a P.S. is appropriate.



